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High street chain says it paid £492 to have the cubicle professionally cleaned as its nine fitting rooms were forced to close afterwards
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Urban Outfitters said it had the changing rooms professionally cleane
SUPPORT THIS INDEPENDENT JOURNALISM The article you’re about to read is from our reporters doing their important work — investigating, researching, and writing their stories. We want to provide informative and inspirational stories that connect you to the people, issues and opportunities
Analyst Jim Wyckoff shares an update on the US futures market, USDA reports and global protein news
The Meat Packing Special Investigator Act (S 3870) and Cattle Price Discovery and Transparency Act (S 4030). The special investigator bill would set up a separate office at USDA to investi
An exclusive and latest data from Smithers has revealed that the worldwide demand for post-consumer recycled (PCR) resins in packaging reached a total of 4.79 million tonnes in 2021. “Demand has seen only a minor deflection over the two years since the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted plastic
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New York, Sept. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Global Construction Plastics Growth Opportunities" - The study is primarily segmented into the five end-use segments where
A Co Donegal company have become the leading manufacturer of glamping pods in Ireland. are now amongst the leading suppliers of luxury bespoke glamping accommodation both here and in the UK.
Based in Greencastle, Northburg Joinery is family-run business already
Kalinga, Dilhani, Randi, Puvitharan excel at Athletics Trials
Barcelona cruise past Elche as Lewandowski scoring spree continues
Cricket-nomics: Can sports support economic recovery in Sri Lanka?
Ashen, Rukshika new national singles champions
Ratnayake Central