'Jekyll and Hyde' policeman 'boasted of sex romps with ex-wife to harass WPC girlfriend' | Daily Mail Online

2022-09-04 22:40:05 By : Ms. Aihua Dai

By Andy Dolan for the Daily Mail Updated: 05:04 EDT, 2 July 2008

Police officer James Curtis is on trial accused of harassing his policewoman girlfriend Donna Brand

A 'Jekyll and Hyde' policeman boasted of clandestine sex sessions with his ex-wife during a campaign of harassment against his WPC girlfriend, a court heard yesterday.

PC James Curtis, 37, left WPC Donna Brand terrified with his 'possessive and controlling' behaviour which allegedly included suicide threats, assaults and verbal abuse.

When his girlfriend eventually ended the relationship, a jury heard how the Norfolk police constable turned up the central heating to 30 degrees centigrade and opened her freezer - ruining her food - in revenge.

Lincoln Crown Court also heard Curtis destroyed one of WPC Brand's sex toys during the bizarre wrecking spree.

Curtis and WPC Brand first met in 2004 while both were working at the Terrington Beat Base, a police station in Terrington St John, Norfolk, the jury were told.

He had recently split from his wife, and by spring 2005 the pair were living together - first at his parents' home and later in Holbeach, Lincolnshire.

Michael Cranmer-Brown, prosecuting, told the court: 'Donna was mad about him, but he was very possessive towards her and not a little controlling.

'He was loving and very positive towards her when he was sober, but he was aggressive and malevolent towards her when he was in drink.'

The court heard Curtis was on medication for depression after he was involved in a car-crash and could be 'volatile and somewhat unstable'.

Mr Cranmer-Brown said: 'When his medication was combined with drinking his character changed and he was something of a Jekyll and Hyde.'

In November 2005 WPC Brand was driving the couple home from a visit to the seaside when Curtis threatened to throw himself out of the car.

Mr Cranmer-Brown told the court: 'There was a lorry behind them. He said: 'I'm going to do it now. Even if we're going slow the truck will kill me.''

When they reached home, enraged Curtis allegedly called WPC Brand 'a f***ing sh*t' and said his ex-wife, Marie, was 'worth 10 of her'.

WPC Donna Brand says Curtis became aggressive after drinking and he became so possessive of her she was forced to end the relationship

He then phoned his former wife and deliberately revealed he had still been having sex with her after starting his relationship with WPC Brand, it was claimed.

Mr Cranmer-Brown said: 'He was taunting Donna. He was saying to Marie: 'Tell her you gave me oral sex in the garage when you came over.''

In another incident Curtis allegedly attacked WPC Brand before kicking her dog into the garden when it bit him while attempting to defend her.

The jury heard that when she threatened to dial 999 he smashed a glass over his own head and said: 'Call the police. I'll have you arrested for assault.'

WPC Brand eventually ended the relationship in August 2006, after a string of other incidents which included the policeman pulling on the handbrake of her car as she drove at 60mph.

Later that night, she awoke in bed to discover the house full of fumes - and found Curtis had turned on a petrol-driven motor in the utility room.

Mr Cranmer-Brown said Curtis moved out after the incident but continued to bombard WPC Brand with text-messages in which he declared his love for her.

She eventually received one saying he had removed his belongings from the house - but when she returned home she found the property in disarray.

Mr Cranmer-Brown added: 'Her vibrator had been broken. You may think he picked on that because he thought she might be too embarrassed to complain.'

A book had also been left on her bed, open at a page showing a picture of the devil, the court was told.

When later questioned by police Curtis, of Terrington St Clement, Norfolk, said the couple split because they argued so much.

He denied ever assaulting WPC Brand, instead insisting he was sometimes forced to restrain her when she became violent towards him.

Curtis denies charges of harassing WPC Brand, attempting to administer a noxious substance to her and causing a danger to road users.

He also denies the theft of a digital camera and an offence of damaging property, including a Bunny Wand vibrator. The trial continues.

Men 'too scared' to report sexual harassment, claims report

Most men suffer sexual harassment from women at work - but are too afraid to complain to their employer, a new report has claimed.

Research for employment law firm Peninsula showed that four out of five male workers had experienced sexual harassment from a female colleague.

Two thirds of the 2,300 men questioned said sexual banter was inappropriate at work.

A separate poll of 1,600 employers admitted they would not take a complaint of sexual harassment as seriously from a male employee.

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